In September of 2022, our youngest daughter, Lila Lee, received her diagnosis- Autism Spectrum Disorder.

After months of worry and misdiagnosis, our questions were finally answered. As we awaited our TEFRA, we immersed ourselves in all the therapies we could- ABA, OT, SLP, music therapy. We did it all.

It was daunting and grueling. And perhaps most of all, costly.

We spent thousands and thousands of dollars.

And while we had to tighten our belt for a bit, we were able to pay- a privilege we are forever grateful for.

In our experience, early intervention is paramount to a positive prognosis on this journey; early diagnosis the opener of so many doors.

If it weren’t for our ability to fund these therapies and appointments, we could still be waiting for an insurance-covered evaluation.

We might not have our diagnosis.

We wouldn’t be in our clinic, where Lila has soared.

We wouldn’t have our girl go from no words to an infinite vocabulary in just 8 months.

We might not know the sound of her voice.

There has been a mission whispering in my ear since the beginning of this journey. A calling to do more; to pay it forward.

And so, Her Voice CHS was born.

Here, at Her Voice CHS, we spread awareness and acceptance.

We advocate for early evaluation and intervention.

We support autistic individuals and families navigating the world of ASD.

And together, we can #behervoice

Our mission is to support girls on the spectrum; to spread awareness and acceptance. To advocate, facilitate and help fund early evaluations and interventions. To join together to be Her Voice.

“In our experience, early intervention is paramount to a positive prognosis on this journey; early diagnosis the opener of so many doors.”

— Morgan Matkovic, Founder of Her Voice CHS

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